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  • memyselfandsare

“Theme for English A”

Updated: Oct 9, 2021

The instructor said,

Go home and write

a page tonight.

And let that page come out of you—

Then, it will be true,

Bewilderment and doubt befell me,

as I contemplate what this page should be.

How much of a page will be me?

What part of it should convey, and portray, and betray?

I am my parents’ second flower, (after the first) -

a lily seed grown by them for sixteen years in a glass jar,

that has a tiny void through which I can see the world.

I live on my city’s upper hill of trees, away from the bees and the breeze,

away where I can hear the echo, not of the chimneys, but of the air and its crust,

of the soil - its dust, and earth’s pure grass.

I am still a child who is asked to blossom into the finest flower, now,

but I do not have one sunlight to fuel my growth, but two.

I journey in Macedonia as a Macedonian,

and absorb its golden rays.

And journey through Turkey as a Turk,

and absorb its silver rays.

But can gold ever be silver? Or silver ever be gold?

Can I be a Turk and live on Macedonian soil, or be a Macedonian and live on Turkish soil?

Sometimes one can only exist and not live, as I do, too, sometimes.

Sometimes my life seems like a long winter,

but that maybe is because I like to read, and paint, and listen -

to befriend Kafka, Friedrich, and Satie.

If truth exists and a page can contain it,

then this is my truth, the one that I carry.

This is my page for English A.

  • This short poem was completed as a part of an assignment for my English class. It is modeled after Langston Hughes's "Theme for English B."

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